• Current Fargo Parks Process For Geocaching
  • Public Geocache Placement Application/Registration
  • Complete

Fargo Parks Process For Geocaching

  • Geocaching proposals will be screened to determine if a special use permit needs to be issued, however the fees are generally waived for this activity.
  • Approval of cache content, design, and location must be registered prior to placement of any items on public lands utilizing the attached form.
  • Participants of Geocaching must restrict their activities to areas that are open to the public. Caches are off limits on closed roads, unless traveling by foot.
  • Caches will last for no more than one year. Reapplication and authorization must be done in order to keep caches on park land.
  • At developed sites, adhere to all rules and regulations posted at sites.
  • Traditional cache sites are prohibited within a flood area.
  • Caches will not be placed in any location needing climbing equipment.
  • Caches will not interfere with or detract from other visitors’ experiences.
  • Applicants will not dig soil, alter any facilities or structures, or cut vegetation when developing cache.
  • Caches will be no more than a gallon or 12-inch X 12-inch X 12-inch in size.
  • Caches will not contain any food, hazardous materials, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal items.
  • Containers will be labeled on the outside so that it would not be mistaken as containing hazardous materials.
  • Caches will be publicly accessible. There will be no “member only” or subscription caches.
  • Geocachers are encouraged to follow “leave no trace” outdoor ethic techniques.
  • If at any point Geocachers violate park policy, the cache will be removed.


The use of ladders, ropes and other vertical equipment can be dangerous for you and future hunters. Caches should not be placed in areas needing any additional equipment to access. The Fargo Park District does not take any responsibility for any injuries that may occur to an individual due to hazardous placement of a cache.