The Fargo Park District recognizes the need and desire for litter-free parks and riverfront property. One of the ways we hope to achieve this is through a volunteer public service programs that encourages organizations and individuals to make significant contributions toward maintaining the high quality of Fargo's parks by keeping them litter-free and identifying safety hazards. By participating, you contribute to a cleaner environment in your neighborhood and you allow the park district to conserve and redirect resources.
Individuals or groups interested in becoming involved in the Adopt-A-Park or Adopt-The-Red programs are encouraged to call the Fargo Park District. Park staff can assist with identifying a particular park or area available for adoption. The adoption period is for a minimum of 5 years. Please see the table below for two different adoption options.
Please contact the Fargo Park District at 701-551-5891 for further information regarding the procedures of the Adopt A Park and Adopt-The-Red programs.
Adoption Programs
You are in a position to provide valuable service to your neighborhood while nurturing your connections to the community. Help keep your local parks clean by joining our Adopt-A-Park program.
The program is open to community groups, civic organizations, churches, businesses, and individuals willing to make a minimum five year commitment.
Volunteers keep an eye on their adopted parks, report any vandalism or unsafe conditions observed, and pick up litter at least twice a year. The Park District provides all necessary pick-up of full bags as well as large, heavy or harzardous items discovered by the group
For more information or a list of parks available for adoption, please call 701-551-5891.
Groups adopt a reach of the Red River and agree to clean-up trash twice a year. The Adopt-The-Red program is offered in partnership with River Keepers and Moorhead Parks and Recreation. Cleanup crews may consist of a few friends or a large network of volunteers.
The greatest threat to the Red River today is non-point source pollution. Keeping the banks of the Red River litter-free is one way to reduce non-point source pollution. The Adopt-The-Red program stresses prevention of litter accumulation and rubbish removal by recruiting people to "adopt" reaches of the river. Cleanups remove trash and litter while increasing community pride and educating participants about the values of watersheds for recreation, fish and wildlife habitat.
Volunteers will keep an eye on their adopted reach of the Red River, report any vandalism or unsafe conditions observed, and pick up litter at least twice a year. The Park District provides all necessary pick-up of full bags as well as large, heavy or harzardous items discovered by the group. For more an idea of the cleanup process, please view River Keepers' Clean Up Volunteer Training Video
For more information, please call 701-551-5891.