The Fargo Park District offers different adult volleyball leagues throughout the year.
Adult Volleyball Leagues
This league takes place between August-October. All teams will play 14 matches of league play, plus tournament participation. A match consists of three games up to 20 points using the rally point system. All leagues are 6-player leagues and players cannot play on more than one league/team per night.
This league takes place between November-February. All teams will play 14 matches of league play, plus tournament participation. A match consists of three games up to 20 points using the rally point system. All leagues are 6-player leagues and players cannot play on more than one league/team per night.
Note: Leagues are scheduled pending availability of gyms and days teams are available to play.
This league takes place between March-May. All teams will play 14 matches of league play, plus tournament participation. A match consists of three games up to 20 points using the rally point system. All leagues are 6-player leagues and players cannot play on more than one league/team per night.
Sand volleyball leagues will play eight or nine weeks between May-August, plus tournament participation. The leagues will play outdoors on sand courts. The games will be informal without officiating. Players cannot play on more than one league/team per night.
League Rules
All Fargo Park District volleyball leagues will follow the USAV rules. (Except where Fargo Park District rules apply)
1. Completed rosters must be turned into supervisor or referee before your first match. Players may be added to the roster through regular season schedule. Players on completed roster are eligible to play in the end of the season tournament, provided they played in at least one regular season match. All players in our Adult Volleyball Leagues need to be at least 16 years of age or older. 16- and 17-year old’s will need a parent or guardians signature on the roster
2. The number of games (not matches) won/lost will determine league standings. Tournaments will be seeded according to league standings. In case of a tie the method of breaking the tie would first be head to head games, then head to head points, then overall points and if there is still a tie a coin flip.
3. No smoking or alcohol is allowed in any Fargo Park District buildings or school buildings at any time. Possession of alcohol in a Fargo Park District or schools is punishable by law. Pop should not be brought into any school or Park District Facilities, if you spill it or don’t clean up after yourself, you will be asked to clean it up.
4. A league play match will consist of three games up to 20 points each using the rally point scoring system. A 2-point advantage must be held at the end of each game. However, a 22-point caps per game will be enforced. A time limit of 45 minute per 3 game set will be enforced. The referee will announce the remaining time only at the beginning of the third game. If time expires during the second game, the teams will finish the second game and a 10-point third game will be played; that is the first team to score 10-points with a 1-point advantage wins the game. If time expires during the third game, the referee will tell the teams that time has expired, and the game will end when a (new) 1-point advantage has been reached with a minimum of 10-points scored by the winning team. Each of the games will be counted in the league standings. Tournament play will consist of two out of three games. Scoring for the league tournament will remain the same as the league scoring. No time limit will be used during the Tournament play.
5. Teams will have a 5-minute warm-up if the previous match was 45-minutes or longer and will have 1-minute between each game or as soon as both teams are ready. Time will only stop for an injury or an unusual occurrence. Any delay in a game purposely caused by team members will be called unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point. There will be two 30 second timeouts per 3 game match, this includes tournament play also. Teams are asked to vacate the court as soon as the last game is finished.
6. The first game of the match will be forfeited if a team does not have enough players to start at the scheduled start time. The match will be forfeited if a team does not show up after 5 minutes from the schedule start time. Any team forfeiting two matches will be dropped from the league unless 24-hour notice is given. One forfeit in tournament play will constitute a forfeit from the entire tournament unless 24-hour notice is given.
7. No automatic forfeits. A team can play with less than 6 players and more than one. There must always be at least one male and one female on the court in all coed matches. However, there may be more women than men (no limit). NEW RULE: A team can play with one more male than female on the court. (Example: if you only have 2 females and 3 males, your team can play with those 5 but if you have 2 females and 4 males then your team can still only play with 5). There is not a 5-minute grace period to begin a game; all games must start at their scheduled time provided both teams have the minimum number of players. If a team does not have the minimum number of players, the game will be handled as a forfeited game. If a team plays with less than 4 players, there must be a back-row player. Women will not be allowed to play in men’s leagues and men will not be allowed to play in women’s leagues since leagues are offered for men, women, and coed.
8. Players can’t play on two women’s teams. Coed players cannot play on more than 1 coed team per night. However, the different leagues that the player chooses to play on cannot be more than one class higher or lower than each other (example. If a player plays on a Thursday Upper League, he or she cannot play on the Tuesday Lower League without the approval of the Recreation Supervisor in charge of the leagues). Players on a coed and or women’s team can only move one level up or down. (Upper/Middle/Lower) Unless approved by the Recreation Supervisor or Volleyball Coordinator
9. Only the captain of the team will be allowed to question the rulings of a referee. Only non-judgment calls can be discussed. No unsportsmanlike conduct including yelling at the opposite team, swearing, arguing, fighting, and talking back to the referee will be allowed. The referee has the authority to eject a player from a 3-game match. Any additional unsportsmanlike conduct by a player may result in suspension from the league. Any act of aggression towards an official or opposing team will result in immediate suspension of player(s) from the league for a period of one year. If an expelled player or fan does not leave the playing area within two minutes, that game will be forfeited. Only the volleyball coordinator has the authority to eject a player for the rest of the season. This would include all leagues affiliated with the Fargo Park District. When a player has been ejected for a season, he/she will be allowed to come back during the next season, but any unsportsmanlike conduct during the season will result in immediate suspension from that season.
10. All ceilings will be in play.
11. Captains, please help us with this rule by letting your team know this rule before they show up to their first match. Any jewelry while playing, such as watches, rings, earrings, and necklaces will not be allowed. No hats can be worn during play.
12. A choice of Serve/Receive or Side will be determined by flip of a coin. For league play the team that wins the coin toss, has the choice for games one and three. The other team will serve or receive for game two. For tournament play a second coin toss will take place if a third game is necessary.
13. The server will have 8 seconds to serve the ball after the signal of the referee’s whistle. When a player serves the ball before the referee’s signal, the referee will issue one warning per team and the team will be able to re-serve. If the incident occurs again, it will be an illegal serve and penalized with a side-out.
14. If the ball is tossed during a serve and the server does not hit the ball, the referee shall issue a reserve. Only one reserved ball per service turn. The Server will have an additional 8 seconds to serve the ball.
15. During the SERVE, the ball may touch the net while crossing it. (Let Serve)
16. When a player takes the play away from another teammate who is attempting to play the ball, it will be a JUDGEMENT CALL of unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point.
17. Multiple contacts on the first ball across the net will be allowed.
18. Pressing the block is allowed.
19. Any player on the court may attack the ball. The front row players may attack from anywhere and the back-row players may not attack the ball above the height of the net in front of the 10-foot spiking line.
20. Touching of the net is a violation and will be called no matter how or where the net is touched.
21. No player shall cross the center line under the net during play. We will be following the old USA Volleyball rule. (Your entire shoe must cross the center line before it is a violation).
Appropriate Footwear: This has become a problem when using the school’s gymnasiums. Each player must have the appropriate footwear on to play Volleyball. Sandals, Flip Flops, Boots, socks, medical boot and bare feet are not appropriate footwear. The Athletic shoes that a player wears must also be a none marking shoe. The shoes that mark the floor are usually black. If the player wears a shoe and it is marking the floor that player will be asked to leave the court.
****If you must bring your children, you are responsible for them. If they are running around the facility, you will be asked to quit playing and supervise your children or remove your children from the facility. This must be enforced for the safety of the children and adults who are playing. ****
The serve cannot be blocked or attacked!
Contact below the waist is legal under USAV Rules.
Substitutions: Teams may only substitute in the following manner:
1. Rotation of players. (Must be done after the serving position)
-When substituting you must sub Male for Male or Female for Female.
Adjacent Courts: All adjacent courts are out of play before, during and after the play. (Sidelines extended)
It is our privilege to use the school gyms and other facilities. Let’s not blow it! Any person who vandalizes property, smokes, or drinks alcohol anywhere in the facilities will be punished by law. Treat the gyms and all the schools better than you would your own home. Please help keep the facilities clean.
Thank you for your cooperation and have a great season!
All Fargo Park District volleyball leagues will follow the USVA Rules, except where FPD rules apply.
- All teams referee themselves. Calls will be made on your honor. Upper leagues should call it tighter than lower leagues.
- No signing in of teams before each match will take place this summer. Clipboards will be used for recording scores. These will be located at each court by one of the volleyball net standards. The winning team of each game reports the scores on the clipboard. If scores are not marked on the clipboard, that game will be recorded as a loss for both teams. Winner of the last game should return the ball to a supervisor.
- Players can play on more than one team (but not on the same night). If you play on an upper league team on one night you would need the Volleyball Coordinators or Supervisors approval to play in a lower league on another night. You can not play on a Women’s team on Wednesday and a Coed team on Wednesday. Women can only play on one women’s team. All players in our Adult Volleyball Leagues need to be at least 16 years of age or older. 16 and 17-year olds will need a parent or guardians’ signature on the roster along with their own.
- Captains toss a coin, paper rock scissors, or odd or even for service and court side.
- A match will be played to 20 points with a 22-pt. cap. (Using the rally point scoring system) A two-point advantage must be held at the end of a game unless the cap has been reached or time has expired (see below). Each match will consist of 3 games. All matches will have a 45-minute time limit. (Please start matches on time whenever possible)
a. Procedure if time limit expires during second game: If time expires during the second game, the teams will finish the second game and a 10-point third game will be played; that is the first team to score 10-points with a 1-point advantage wins the game
b. Procedure if time limit expires in the third game: If time expires during the third game, the supervisor will tell the teams that time has expired, and the game will end when a (NEW) 1-point advantage has been reached with a minimum of 10-points scored by the winning team.
- No automatic forfeits. A team can play with less than 6 players. There must always be at least one male and one female on the court in all coed matches. However, there may be more women than men (no limit). NEW RULE: A team can play with one more male than female on the court. (Example: if you only have 2 females and 3 males, your team can play with those 5 or you can play with 2 males and one female, your team can play with those 3). There is not a five-minute grace period to begin a game; all games must start at their scheduled time provided both teams have the minimum number of players. If a team does not have the minimum number of players, the first game will be handled as a forfeited game. The match will be forfeited if a team does not show up after 5 minutes from the scheduled start time. Any team forfeiting two matches is dropped from the league unless 24-hour notice is given. One forfeit in tournament play will constitute a forfeit from the entire tournament unless 24-hour notice is given. If a team plays with less than 4 players, there must be a back-row player. Women will not be allowed to play in men’s leagues and men will not be allowed to play in women’s leagues.
- Each team must rotate clockwise on the serve.
- The ball may be hit with an open hand or closed hand with no lifting, carrying, or pushing the ball, the ball must be cleanly hit.
- In case of a double violation the play will be replayed.
- If any part of the ball touches the boundary line, it is considered good or in bounds.
- No player may encroach on the opponent's court. The center line (imaginary line), under the net, may be stepped on but not over. (this is for the safety of all players)
- A player may run outside the court to play the ball.
- All other balls that role onto the courts should be removed immediately. If the ball anyway interferes with play the point should be replayed.
- Each team will not play the ball more than three times before it is returned over the net.
- Any body contact with the net is illegal and should be called by the team that was in the net.
- Only front row players may block at the net-except on the serve. Back row players may not block at any time.
- Multiple contacts on the first ball across the net by the same player will be allowed.
- The whole body is in play (kicking is allowed). Any intentional kicking a ball at any other player will not be allowed and subject to ejection.
- Pressing the block is allowed.
- Overlapping and out of rotation should be called.
- Teams exchange sides at the end of each game-please keep social distancing in-mind when switching sides!
- Beer is permitted in the Rabanus Parking Lot only. No beer/alcohol is allowed at the courts. An alcohol permit is required by law to drink in the PARKING LOT of the Rabanus Courts. Alcohol permits can be purchased at the Fargo Park District Office at 701 Main Ave for $50.00. No glass allowed in the parking lot.
- Rosters are due on or before the first night of league. Players may be added through last night of league play. Players are on completed roster are eligible to play in end of season tournament, provided they play in at least one regular season match.
- Each team is allowed 2 time-outs per match.
- Substitutions: Teams may only substitute in the following manner
- Rotation of players. (must be done after the serving position!)
- If a team starts short, as the players arrive, they can enter at any dead ball in the position after the server.
- When substituting, you must sub-Male for Male and Female for Female!
- Rain-out procedure: We will try and make an announcement after 4:00 p.m. as to the status of the games. You may call 298-6915 ext. 4 for any information on rain days after 4:00 p.m. If there is nothing on the announcement the matches are on. After 5:30 the decision will be made by the on-site coordinator.
- All rules not included in the rule sheet or USAVOLLEYBALL rule book will be determined by the site coordinator.
- Any team disregarding or violating rules and policies of this league may be suspended from future league play and from the following season.
All Fargo Park District volleyball leagues will follow the USAV rules. (Except where Fargo Park District rules apply)
1. Completed rosters must be turned into supervisor or referee before your first match. Players may be added to the roster through regular season schedule. Players on completed roster are eligible to play in the end of the season tournament, provided they played in at least one regular season match. All players in our Adult Volleyball Leagues need to be at least 16 years of age or older. 16- and 17-year old’s will need a parent or guardians signature on the roster
2. The number of games (not matches) won/lost will determine league standings. Tournaments will be seeded according to league standings. In case of a tie the method of breaking the tie would first be head to head games, then head to head points, then overall points and if there is still a tie a coin flip.
3. No smoking or alcohol is allowed in any Fargo Park District buildings or school buildings at any time. Possession of alcohol in a Fargo Park District or schools is punishable by law. Pop should not be brought into any school or Park District Facilities, if you spill it or don’t clean up after yourself, you will be asked to clean it up.
4. A league play match will consist of three games up to 20 points each using the rally point scoring system. A 2-point advantage must be held at the end of each game. However, a 22-point caps per game will be enforced. A time limit of 45 minute per 3 game set will be enforced. The referee will announce the remaining time only at the beginning of the third game. If time expires during the second game, the teams will finish the second game and a 10-point third game will be played; that is the first team to score 10-points with a 1-point advantage wins the game. If time expires during the third game, the referee will tell the teams that time has expired, and the game will end when a (new) 1-point advantage has been reached with a minimum of 10-points scored by the winning team. Each of the games will be counted in the league standings. Tournament play will consist of two out of three games. Scoring for the league tournament will remain the same as the league scoring. No time limit will be used during the Tournament play.
5. Teams will have a 5-minute warm-up if the previous match was 45-minutes or longer and will have 1-minute between each game or as soon as both teams are ready. Time will only stop for an injury or an unusual occurrence. Any delay in a game purposely caused by team members will be called unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point. There will be two 30 second timeouts per 3 game match, this includes tournament play also. Teams are asked to vacate the court as soon as the last game is finished.
6. The first game of the match will be forfeited if a team does not have enough players to start at the scheduled start time. The match will be forfeited if a team does not show up after 5 minutes from the schedule start time. Any team forfeiting two matches will be dropped from the league unless 24-hour notice is given. One forfeit in tournament play will constitute a forfeit from the entire tournament unless 24-hour notice is given.
7. No automatic forfeits. A team can play with less than 6 players and more than one. There must always be at least one male and one female on the court in all coed matches. However, there may be more women than men (no limit). NEW RULE: A team can play with one more male than female on the court. (Example: if you only have 2 females and 3 males, your team can play with those 5 but if you have 2 females and 4 males then your team can still only play with 5). There is not a 5-minute grace period to begin a game; all games must start at their scheduled time provided both teams have the minimum number of players. If a team does not have the minimum number of players, the game will be handled as a forfeited game. If a team plays with less than 4 players, there must be a back-row player. Women will not be allowed to play in men’s leagues and men will not be allowed to play in women’s leagues since leagues are offered for men, women, and coed.
8. Players can’t play on two women’s teams. Coed players cannot play on more than 1 coed team per night. However, the different leagues that the player chooses to play on cannot be more than one class higher or lower than each other (example. If a player plays on a Thursday Upper League, he or she cannot play on the Tuesday Lower League without the approval of the Recreation Supervisor in charge of the leagues). Players on a coed and or women’s team can only move one level up or down. (Upper/Middle/Lower) Unless approved by the Recreation Supervisor or Volleyball Coordinator
9. Only the captain of the team will be allowed to question the rulings of a referee. Only non-judgment calls can be discussed. No unsportsmanlike conduct including yelling at the opposite team, swearing, arguing, fighting, and talking back to the referee will be allowed. The referee has the authority to eject a player from a 3-game match. Any additional unsportsmanlike conduct by a player may result in suspension from the league. Any act of aggression towards an official or opposing team will result in immediate suspension of player(s) from the league for a period of one year. If an expelled player or fan does not leave the playing area within two minutes, that game will be forfeited. Only the volleyball coordinator has the authority to eject a player for the rest of the season. This would include all leagues affiliated with the Fargo Park District. When a player has been ejected for a season, he/she will be allowed to come back during the next season, but any unsportsmanlike conduct during the season will result in immediate suspension from that season.
10. All ceilings will be in play.
11. Captains, please help us with this rule by letting your team know this rule before they show up to their first match. Any jewelry while playing, such as watches, rings, earrings, and necklaces will not be allowed. No hats can be worn during play.
12. A choice of Serve/Receive or Side will be determined by flip of a coin. For league play the team that wins the coin toss, has the choice for games one and three. The other team will serve or receive for game two. For tournament play a second coin toss will take place if a third game is necessary.
13. The server will have 8 seconds to serve the ball after the signal of the referee’s whistle. When a player serves the ball before the referee’s signal, the referee will issue one warning per team and the team will be able to re-serve. If the incident occurs again, it will be an illegal serve and penalized with a side-out.
14. If the ball is tossed during a serve and the server does not hit the ball, the referee shall issue a reserve. Only one reserved ball per service turn. The Server will have an additional 8 seconds to serve the ball.
15. During the SERVE, the ball may touch the net while crossing it. (Let Serve)
16. When a player takes the play away from another teammate who is attempting to play the ball, it will be a JUDGEMENT CALL of unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point.
17. Multiple contacts on the first ball across the net will be allowed.
18. Pressing the block is allowed.
19. Any player on the court may attack the ball. The front row players may attack from anywhere and the back-row players may not attack the ball above the height of the net in front of the 10-foot spiking line.
20. Touching of the net is a violation and will be called no matter how or where the net is touched.
21. No player shall cross the center line under the net during play. We will be following the old USA Volleyball rule. (Your entire shoe must cross the center line before it is a violation).
Appropriate Footwear: This has become a problem when using the school’s gymnasiums. Each player must have the appropriate footwear on to play Volleyball. Sandals, Flip Flops, Boots, socks, medical boot and bare feet are not appropriate footwear. The Athletic shoes that a player wears must also be a none marking shoe. The shoes that mark the floor are usually black. If the player wears a shoe and it is marking the floor that player will be asked to leave the court.
****If you must bring your children, you are responsible for them. If they are running around the facility, you will be asked to quit playing and supervise your children or remove your children from the facility. This must be enforced for the safety of the children and adults who are playing. ****
The serve cannot be blocked or attacked!
Contact below the waist is legal under USAV Rules.
Substitutions: Teams may only substitute in the following manner:
1. Rotation of players. (Must be done after the serving position)
-When substituting you must sub Male for Male or Female for Female.
Adjacent Courts: All adjacent courts are out of play before, during and after the play. (Sidelines extended)
It is our privilege to use the school gyms and other facilities. Let’s not blow it! Any person who vandalizes property, smokes, or drinks alcohol anywhere in the facilities will be punished by law. Treat the gyms and all the schools better than you would your own home. Please help keep the facilities clean.
Important Notice: Please be ready to play 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled game time. Matches will begin early if courts are available.
Thank you for your cooperation and have a great season!
All Fargo Park District volleyball leagues will follow the USAV rules. (Except where Fargo Park District rules apply)
1. Completed rosters must be turned into supervisor or referee before your first match. Players may be added to the roster through regular season schedule. Players on completed roster are eligible to play in the end of the season tournament, provided they played in at least one regular season match. All players in our Adult Volleyball Leagues need to be at least 16 years of age or older. 16- and 17-year old’s will need a parent or guardians signature on the roster
2. The number of games (not matches) won/lost will determine league standings. Tournaments will be seeded according to league standings. In case of a tie the method of breaking the tie would first be head-to-head games, then head-to-head points, then overall points and if there is still a tie a coin flip.
3. NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED IN ANY FARGO PARK DISTRICT BUILDINGS OR SCHOOL BUILDINGS AT ANY TIME. Possession of alcohol in a Fargo Park District or schools is punishable by law. Pop should not be brought into any school or Park District Facilities, if you spill it or don’t clean up after yourself, you will be asked to clean it up.
4. A league play match will consist of three games up to 20 points each using the rally point scoring system. A 2-point advantage must be held at the end of each game. HOWEVER, A 22-POINT CAPS PER GAME WILL BE ENFORCED. A time limit of 45 minute per 3 game set will be enforced. The referee will announce the remaining time only at the beginning of the third game. If time expires during the second game, the teams will finish the second game and a 10-point third game will be played; that is the first team to score 10-points with a 1-point advantage wins the game. If time expires during the third game, the referee will tell the teams that time has expired, and the game will end when a (NEW) 1-point advantage has been reached with a minimum of 10-points scored by the winning team. Each of the games will be counted in the league standings. Tournament play will consist of two out of three games. Scoring for the league tournament will remain the same as the league scoring. No time limit will be used during the Tournament play.
5. Teams will have a 5-minute warm-up if the previous match was 45-minutes or longer and will have 1-minute between each game or as soon as both teams are ready. Time will only stop for an injury or an unusual occurrence. Any delay in a game purposely caused by team members will be called unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point. There will be two 30 second timeouts per 3 game match, this includes tournament play also. Teams are asked to vacate the court as soon as the last game is finished.
6. The first game of the match will be forfeited if a team does not have enough players to start at the scheduled start time. The match will be forfeited if a team does not show up after 5 minutes from the schedule start time. Any team forfeiting two matches will be dropped from the league unless 24-hour notice is given. One forfeit in tournament play will constitute a forfeit from the entire tournament unless 24-hour notice is given. Satellite Time (Cell Phone) will be the official time.
7. No automatic forfeits. A team can play with less than 6 players and more than one. There must always be at least one male and one female on the court in all coed matches. However, there may be more women than men (no limit). NEW RULE: A team can play with one more male than female on the court. (Example: if you only have 2 females and 3 males, your team can play with those 5 but if you have 2 females and 4 males then your team can still only play with 5). There is not a 5-minute grace period to begin a game; all games must start at their scheduled time provided both teams have the
minimum number of players. If a team does not have the minimum number of players, the game will be handled as a forfeited game. If a team plays with less than 4 players, there must be a back-row player. Women will not be allowed to play in men’s leagues and men will not be allowed to play in women’s leagues since leagues are offered for men, women, and coed.
8. Players cannot play on two women’s teams. Coed players cannot play on more than 1 coed team per night. However, the different leagues that the player chooses to play on cannot be more than one class higher or lower than each other (example. If a player plays on a Thursday Upper League, he or she cannot play on the Tuesday Lower League without the approval of the Recreation Supervisor in charge of the leagues). Players on a coed and or women’s team can only move one level up or down. (Upper/Middle/Lower) Unless approved by the Recreation Supervisor or Volleyball Coordinator
9. Only the captain of the team will be allowed to question the rulings of a referee. Only non-judgment calls can be discussed. No unsportsmanlike conduct including yelling at the opposite team, swearing, arguing, fighting, and talking back to the referee will be allowed. The referee has the authority to eject a player from a 3-game match. Any additional unsportsmanlike conduct by a player may result in suspension from the league. Any act of aggression towards an official or opposing team will result in immediate suspension of player(s) from the league for a period of one year. If an expelled player or fan does not leave the playing area within two minutes, that game will be forfeited. Only the volleyball coordinator has the authority to eject a player for the rest of the season. This would include all leagues affiliated with the Fargo Park District. When a player has been ejected for a season, he/she will be allowed to come back during the next season, but any unsportsmanlike conduct during the season will esult in immediate suspension from that season.
10. All ceilings will be in play.
11. FORBIDDEN OBJECTS: It is forbidden to wear any object that may cause injury to another player, such as pins, bracelets, cast, etc. (Watches and dangling earrings WILL NOT BE ALLOWED!) Anything that may cause injury or give artificial advantage to a player must not be worn. If a cast, brace, prosthetic limb or headgear is used, padding or covering may be necessary. All other objects are at the discretion of the official. Fitbits/Activity trackers are allowed.
12. Hats are not allowed! Sweatbands and other misc. headwear will be allowed at the discretion of the official and Fargo Park District. If an official requests that a player remove headwear, that player must do so before being allowed to return to the game.
13. A choice of Serve/Receive or Side will be determined by flip of a coin. For league play the team that wins the coin toss, has the choice for games one and three. The other team will serve or receive for game two. For tournament play a second coin toss will take place if a third game is necessary.
14. The server will have 8 seconds to serve the ball after the signal of the referee’s whistle. When a player serves the ball before the referee’s signal, the referee will issue one warning per team and the team will be able to re-serve. If the incident occurs again, it will be an illegal serve and penalized with a side-out.
15. If the ball is tossed during a serve and the server does not hit the ball, the referee shall issue a reserve. Only one reserved ball per service turn. The Server will have an additional 5 seconds to serve the ball.
16. During the serve, the ball may touch the net while crossing it. (Let Serve)
17. When a player takes the play away from another teammate who is attempting to play the ball, it will be a JUDGEMENT CALL of unsportsmanlike conduct and penalized with a side-out or point.
18. Multiple contacts on the first ball across the net will be allowed.
19. Pressing the block is allowed.
20. Any player on the court may attack the ball. The front row players may attack from anywhere and the back-row players may not attack the ball above the height of the net in front of the 10-foot spiking line.
21. Touching of the net is a violation and will be called no matter how or where the net is touched.
22. No player shall cross the center line under the net during play. (Your entire shoe must cross the center line before it is a violation).
23. Substitutions: Teams may only substitute in the following manner: Rotation of players.
(Must be done after the serving position) -When substituting you must sub-Male for Male or Female for Female.
24. Adjacent Courts: All adjacent courts are out of play before, during and after the play. (Sidelines extended)
25. The serve cannot be blocked or attacked!
26. Contact below the waist is legal under USAV Rules.
Appropriate Footwear: This has become a problem when using the school’s gymnasiums and the Sports Arena. Each player must have the appropriate footwear on to play Volleyball. Sandals, Flip Flops, Boots, socks, medical boot, and bare feet are not appropriate footwear. The Athletic shoes that a player wears must also be a none marking shoe. The shoes that mark the floor are usually black. If the player wears a shoe and it is marking the floor that player will be asked to leave the court.
****If you must bring your children, you are responsible for them. If they are running around the facility, you will be asked to quit playing and supervise your children or remove your children from the facility. This must be enforced for the safety of the children and adults who are playing. ****
Honor Calls – What Are They? Honor calls are a way of helping the officials on calls that they may have not seen or that the official was screened. When an official makes a call or misses a call, (i.e. the ball was out, a player touches the ball, a player was in the net) a team or player may assist the official by helping that official correct the call. The ONLY team that may help an official correct a call is the team that would be adversely affected by the changed call. EXAMPLE: The official calls the ball “out” and Team A is awarded the ball for the service. Team A may “help” the official by letting the official know that the ball was in or good. Team B would than receive the point &/serve. Please remember that we only use one official and most other organizations used 2 referees, 2 lines, and a scorekeeper.
It is our privilege to use the school gyms and other facilities. Let’s not blow it! Any person who vandalizes property, smokes, or drinks alcohol anywhere in the facilities will be punished by law. Treat the gyms and all the schools better than you would your own home. Please help keep the facilities clean.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be ready to play 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled game time. Matches will begin early if courts are available.
Thank you for your cooperation and have a great season!
Fargo Park District Programs & Leagues
All Fargo Park District programs and leagues are first come first serve. Please be advised, a lot of programs and leagues fill up before the registration deadline. You cannot register for a program or league that is already full. Some programs and leagues have waitlists. If you are on a waitlist, you are NOT registered and are only contacted if a spot becomes available.