The Matching Grant Program was established in January 2019. The program has funded multiple projects throughout the Fargo community. Below are the Matching Grant Recipients over the years.
For more information about the Matching Grant Program, email foundation@fargoparks.com.
2022 Funding Round 2 Recipients
Fargo Post 2 Legion Baseball will receive $15,000 to renovate the infield at Jack Williams Stadium this fall including a leveling of the playing surface and installation of new sod. This will provide a much-improved experience for the hundreds of youth infielders that play at Jack Williams each season. The first base bullpen is also set for a renovation this fall including new turf, portable mounds, and improved drainage system.
Nicholas Dawson, as part of his Eagle Project will receive $1,300 to build features that users of the Brandt Crossing Dog Park can use as additional ways to enjoy the dog park. Right now, the parks only have green space and picnic tables. Dawson would like to add ramps and hurdles for dogs to be able to run up and down and jump over.
2022 Funding Round 1 Recipients
Fargo Youth Baseball will receive a $7,797.71 match grant to partially fund their project: ATTIC Renovation. The project will allow Fargo Youth Baseball to add more cages to allow to accommodate program growth. The new measures will allow 1-2 more teams per hour to use the facility, making it possible for Fargo Youth Baseball to offer more camps at a low rate for players to better develop skills.
Post 2 Baseball will receive a $9,915 match grant to partially fund their project: Bullpen Update. The project will allow Post 2 Baseball to update the third base bullpen at Jack Williams Stadium with added portable mounds along with artificial turf to create a first-rate environment for pitchers and catchers to warm up during games and train during practices and camps. The turf and mounds are removeable at the end of each season to preserve the life of the products. The upgrades add to the durability and usefulness of the area as well as decrease the maintenance required to keep the area functioning for the hundreds of players who use this bullpen each year.
2021 Funding Round 1 Recipients
Fargo Fastpitch Association will receive a $3,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Outfield Fence Screen and Fence Tops. The project will provide additional safety measures to Diamond 5 at the North Softball Complex. According to Fargo Fastpitch Association, the new measures will include fence top protectors on both foul line fences and the outfield fence as well as the addition of an outfield fence screen to act as a batter’s eye and provide a substantially better visual of the fence for outfielders. These upgrades will improve player safety for the more than 300 players who utilize this space.
Fargo Public Library will receive a $1,930 match grant to partially fund their project: FPL Education Garden. The project will place three 6’x12’ beds at the northwest corner of the Dr. James Carlson Library as the starting point for a community education garden space. A pollinator garden will also be installed on the south side of the property. According to the Fargo Public Library, the project complements the Fargo Park District’s mission of improving the lifestyle of the community by encouraging environmental education, outside activity, and intergenerational togetherness while lending itself naturally to social distancing.
FM Trailbuilders will receive a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Fargo Park District Forum Tower, Iwen North and South Trail Maintenance. The project will allow FM Trailbuilders to purchase maintenance equipment as well as purchase and place a storage facility to easily store the equipment needed for year-round trail maintenance of Fargo’s largest single trail system in the FM area. According to FM Trailbuilders, since they are entirely reliant upon availability of volunteer time, close access to needed tools and equipment is crucial to their work to keep Fargo nature trails safe and enjoyable for the public.
Fargo Youth Baseball will receive a $14,233.36 match grant to partially fund their project: Facility Upgrades. The project would allow Fargo Youth Baseball to add foul poles, score tables, fence caps, paint the concessions building, purchase a mound and add ivy on the batter’s eye. According to Fargo Youth Baseball, the new measures will improve the experience for players, officials, and tournament attendees. Fargo Youth Baseball has roughly 1,200 youth baseball players and serves as the headquarters for the Red River Valley League which has 200+ teams.
Post 400 will receive a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Grandstand Project. The project would allow Post 400 Legion Baseball to construct a grandstand with increased seating capacity, overhang for shade and a press box at Starion Field. The added amenities will allow for radio/video broadcast and live streaming of all games as well as provide for a better experience for players, fans and opponents.
2020 Funding Round 2 Recipients
Post 400 Legion Baseball received a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Starion Field Clubhouse. Previously, Post 400 had a Clubhouse at the Starion site at the Tharaldson Baseball Complex with limited locker space that was falling short of meeting the needs of the kids enrolled in their programs. The addition of the new clubhouse allowed lockers for up to 78 kids plus a coaches office, storage room and game room for the kids. The clubhouse is also utilized during tournaments for opposing teams coming to Fargo.
Growing Together Community Gardens received a $4,115 match grant to partially fund their project: World Orchard Educational Signage. The project allows Growing Together Community Gardens to educate individuals of all ages on the nutritional benefits of produce and the basics of growing an orchard, providing for a more comprehensive education to occur at the existing community orchard planted at Rabanus Park. This project further helps Growing Together Community Gardens reach the goal of the community orchard of increasing access to local, nutritious food while decreasing food insecurity.
Fargo Public Library received a $4,263.40 match grant to partially fund their project: StoryWalk. The project features a picture book, displayed page by page onto weather-resistant signposts, spaced out to encourage movement, enjoyment of the outdoors and literacy skills. The featured book may be changed out seasonally or biannually to reflect relevant content. The project serves all ages but is targeted to children and families and was installed at Brunsdale Park along the paved Milwaukee Trail, which is close to homes and apartments to ensure accessibility. With COVID-19 concerns, the Fargo Public Library felt that 2020 was an opportune time to move forward in with this project as it lends itself naturally to social distancing.
2020 Funding Round 1 Recipients
Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society received a $6,405 match grant to partially fund their project: Fostering Garden Usability & Accessibility. The project provided path construction to improve access to the Children’s Garden and Edible Forest and better meet ADA requirements. In addition, a structure was installed at the south end of the Edible Forest providing a shaded place to rest as well as serving as a trellis for plants. A handicap-accessible picnic table was installed to ensure the space is widely usable. Located at the Northern Plains Botanic Garden at Yunker Park in north Fargo, this project furthers the society’s mission of providing our area with a botanic garden that will help foster and promote community through gardening
Post 400 Legion Baseball received a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Starion Field Phase 2. Post 400 Baseball in conjunction with Fargo Youth Baseball worked together on a Phase 2 project at Starion Field intended to provide for a better experience for players, fans and opponents. Phase 2 consisted of installing a batter’s eye in center field, flag pole with American flag and tables throughout the facility. The addition of a better’s eye is functional, attractive and increased opportunities for Starion to be a host site for advancing tournaments. The flag pole is essential to the legion program which requires the national anthem to be played. The installation of tables and seating improved the spectator experience by allowing a space to sit and enjoy concession stand purchases while enjoying the game.
Fargo Fastpitch Association received a $2,366.17 match grant to partially fund their project: Fargo Fastpitch Main Diamond Upgrade. The project provided additional safety measures to Diamond 5 at the North Softball Complex. The new measures included fence top protectors on both foul line fences and the outfield fence as well as the addition of an outfield fence screen. These upgrades improved player safety for the more than 300 players who utilize this space.
Growing Together Community Gardens received a $4,115 match grant to partially fund their project. The project allowed Growing Together Community Gardens to purchase a BCS walk-behind tractor and Rotary Plow as well as a Flail Mower. The new equipment allows Growing Together Community Gardens to raise the beds more efficiently at their 6 locations and compost the remaining plants more effectively in the Fall.
2019 Funding Round 2 Recipients
Fargo American Legion Post 2 Baseball received a $9,900 match grant to partially fund the replacement of the decades old public address system at the 52+ year old Jack Williams Stadium. Legion Post 2 baseball involves three different teams: Bombers, Jets and Post 2 who all call the stadium home. The new PA system included five speakers and new technology so that all those in the stadium can clearly hear the National Anthem, severe weather announcements, player announcements, scores and anything else pertinent to the venue, players and fans. With the number of home games and tournaments held at the stadium, the new PA system ensures a quality experience for the nearly 205,000 people who visit the stadium each year.
2019 Funding Round 1 Recipients
Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society received a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Laying the Foundation for an Edible Forest. The Edible Forest project provides educational opportunities on local food and horticulture, connects to nearby garden trails for walkers and bikers, and provides a haven for birds and native pollinators. The Edible Forest project started the summer of 2019 at the Northern Plains Botanic Garden at Yunker Park in north Fargo and is the first development phase of their planned arboretum. This project provides a key part of furthering society’s mission of providing our area with a botanic garden that helps foster and promote community through gardening.
Fargo Youth Baseball received a $15,000 match grant to partially fund their project: Scoreboards at Tharaldson Little League Complex. According to Fargo Youth Baseball, the scoreboards provide a better experience, better tournament atmosphere and world-class events. With the number of tournaments held at the complex, scoreboards are needed on all four fields in order to ensure a quality tournament experience and to draw additional teams.